How to Defeat The Second Sister in Black Myth: Wukong?

In Black Myth: Wukong, The Second Sister is a relatively easy boss you’ll face in Chapter 4. This giant spider-like creature may appear intimidating, but with the right strategy, you can defeat her quickly and efficiently.

The Second Sister Location

The Second Sister can be found in the Village of Lanxi within the Estate of the Zhu:

  1. Starting Point:
    • After reaching the shrine in the Estate of the Zhu, head directly through the next door. The boss fight will be triggered immediately after entering this area.

Difficulty: What to Expect

The fight against The Second Sister is rated at 2/10 in difficulty. Although the boss may look imposing, her attacks and defenses are relatively weak, making this encounter more of a formality than a challenge.

How to Beat The Second Sister in Black Myth: Wukong?

Strategy: How to Defeat The Second Sister

Quick and Efficient Strategy

To defeat The Second Sister quickly, follow these steps:

  1. Start with Pluck of Many:
    • Begin the fight by summoning your clones using Pluck of Many. These clones will help you deal additional damage and distract the boss, making it easier for you to focus on your attacks.
  2. Immobilize the Boss:
    • Immediately cast Immobilize to freeze The Second Sister in place. This will give you an opportunity to land a series of quick attacks without any risk of counterattacks.
  3. Quick-Attack Combo:
    • After immobilizing her, unleash a quick-attack combo to reduce her health. These rapid attacks are effective at chipping away her health quickly.
  4. Wandering Wight Spirit Attack:
    • Follow up with a Wandering Wight spirit attack. This powerful move should deal significant damage, bringing The Second Sister close to defeat.
  5. Use Cloud Step and Transformation:
    • If she’s still alive, use Cloud Step to stay agile and close the distance if needed. Activate Transformation to further increase your damage output and finish the fight. At this point, a few more quick-attack combos should be enough to take her down.

Final Notes

  • Timing:
    The key to this fight is speed. By following the above steps in quick succession, you should be able to defeat The Second Sister before she even has a chance to pose a serious threat.
  • Healing:
    Given the low difficulty, you likely won’t need to heal during this fight, but it’s always good to be prepared in case you take a hit.

Rewards for Defeating The Second Sister

Defeating The Second Sister will reward you with the following:

  • 1963 Will: A substantial boost to your in-game resources.
  • 1x Gold Tree Core: A valuable material used for crafting and upgrades.
  • 1x Venomous Hair: Another important material for enhancing your equipment.

By following this strategy, you should be able to defeat The Second Sister in Black Myth: Wukong with minimal effort. Stay focused, use your abilities effectively, and the victory will be swift and rewarding.

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