How to Defeat Chen Loong in Black Myth: Wukong?

In Black Myth: Wukong, Chen Loong is a relatively easy boss you will face after completing his questline in Chapter 3. This guide provides a detailed strategy to defeat Chen Loong quickly and efficiently.

Chen Loong Location

Chen Loong becomes available as a boss after you complete his questline in Chapter 3. Once the questline is finished, you will be able to engage in the battle with him. Be prepared, as this fight, although straightforward, requires quick execution of your abilities.

Difficulty: What to Expect

The difficulty of the Chen Loong encounter is rated at 2/10. This fight is designed to be quick, with the right combination of abilities allowing you to defeat him in a matter of seconds. Even less experienced players should find this battle manageable.

How to Beat Chen Loong in Black Myth: Wukong?

Strategy: How to Defeat Chen Loong

Executing the One-Shot Combo

To defeat Chen Loong efficiently, you’ll want to execute a specific sequence of abilities that can stagger and overwhelm him in a short period.

  1. Start with Pluck of Many:
    Begin the battle by using Pluck of Many to summon your clones. This will provide you with additional support, allowing you to deal consistent damage while distracting Chen Loong.
  2. Weaver’s Needle (Vessel):
    After summoning your clones, activate the Weaver’s Needle (Vessel). This ability further enhances your damage output, setting up Chen Loong for a quick defeat.
  3. Immobilize:
    Next, cast Immobilize to freeze Chen Loong in place. This ability will give you a few precious moments to unleash your most powerful attacks without fear of retaliation.
  4. Wandering Wight Spirit Attack:
    With Chen Loong immobilized, unleash the Wandering Wight spirit attack using :l2: + :r2:. This move deals significant damage and, when combined with the effects of Weaver’s Needle, can quickly bring Chen Loong to his knees.
  5. Cloud Step and Transformation:
    If Chen Loong is still standing after the spirit attack, use Cloud Step to close the distance and follow up with Transformation. This will allow you to continue your assault with enhanced power.

Finishing Off the Boss

If, by chance, Chen Loong survives the initial onslaught, you can finish him off with a series of quick-attack combos. With his health already depleted, it won’t take much to stagger and defeat him. Stay aggressive, and don’t give him a chance to recover.

Rewards for Defeating Chen Loong

Defeating Chen Loong will grant you the following rewards:

  • 1177 Will: A boost to your resources.
  • 2x Yaoguai Core: Valuable materials for crafting and upgrades.
  • 1x Refined Iron Sand: Another essential material for enhancing your equipment.

Bonus Reward: If you’ve completed Chen Loong’s questline before the battle, you’ll also receive the Ruyi Scroll, which grants access to the Zodiac Village area. This reward unlocks additional content and opportunities for exploration.

With this strategy, you can defeat Chen Loong in Black Myth: Wukong quickly and efficiently. By executing the right combination of abilities, you’ll have him defeated before he even has a chance to pose a threat.

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