How to Defeat Kang-Jin Loong in Black Myth: Wukong?

In Black Myth: Wukong, Kang-Jin Loong is a powerful flying ice dragon and one of the main story bosses you’ll face in Chapter 3. Known for its hard-hitting attacks and agility, this boss can be challenging if you’re not prepared. However, with the right strategy, you can take down Kang-Jin Loong efficiently. Here’s how to do it.

Kang-Jin Loong Location

You’ll encounter Kang-Jin Loong in Chapter 3, at Snowhill Path > Mirrormere. This is an unmissable story boss, so you’ll naturally come across it as you progress.

How to Find Kang-Jin Loong

From the Mirrormere shrine, head straight toward the house situated on the frozen lake. As you approach, Kang-Jin Loong will spawn, signaling the start of the battle.

Difficulty Rating

Kang-Jin Loong is rated 4/10 in difficulty. Although this boss hits hard and moves around frequently, it has relatively low health, allowing for a quick takedown if you execute your strategy well.

How to Beat Kang-Jin Loong in Black Myth: Wukong?

Strategy for Defeating Kang-Jin Loong

Kang-Jin Loong’s primary challenges stem from its mobility and powerful ice-based attacks. However, with careful preparation and a focus on stunning the dragon, you can minimize the threat and defeat it efficiently.


  1. Activate the Wind Tamer Vessel: The Wind Tamer vessel, obtained from defeating Fuban in Chapter 2, is crucial for this fight. When activated, it instantly knocks down Kang-Jin Loong and stuns it, giving you an immediate advantage.
  2. Upgrade Your Gear: Before the battle, make sure you have crafted all available weapon and armor upgrades. This will significantly boost your damage output and survivability.

Combat Tactics

  1. Start with Wind Tamer: As soon as the fight begins, activate the Wind Tamer vessel. This will knock Kang-Jin Loong out of the sky, stunning it and bringing it to the ground where it’s vulnerable.
  2. Focus on Stun Attacks: Kang-Jin Loong is highly susceptible to being stunned. Use heavy attacks or the final hit of a quick-attack combo to hit its head, which will frequently stun the dragon. This opens up opportunities for massive damage.
  3. Use Spells and Spirit Attacks:
    • Pluck of Many: While the dragon is stunned, cast the Pluck of Many spell to summon your clones. These will help deal additional damage while the boss is down.
    • Wandering Wight Spirit Attack: Summon the Wandering Wight using :l2: + :r2:. This spirit attack inflicts significant damage, especially when combined with your clones.
    • Immobilize: After your initial burst of damage, use the Immobilize spell to keep the dragon stationary, allowing you to continue your assault with quick-attack combos.
  4. Finish with Transformation: Once the dragon starts to recover, activate your Transformation ability and unleash heavy attacks. If executed perfectly, you can potentially defeat Kang-Jin Loong before it enters its second phase.

Second Phase Strategy

If Kang-Jin Loong survives your initial onslaught and its health drops below 50%, it will enter a more dangerous second phase:

  1. Dodge Lightning Attacks: The dragon will start casting lightning on the ground. Dodge or run away from these areas to avoid taking damage.
  2. Avoid Grabs: Kang-Jin Loong may attempt to grab you, which can result in an instant kill. Stay close to the dragon and continue using quick-attacks to prevent it from using its long-range ice breath or grab attacks.
  3. Stay Mobile: As in the first phase, mobility is key. Keep dodging its attacks and land hits whenever you find an opening.

Rewards for Defeating Kang-Jin Loong

After successfully defeating Kang-Jin Loong, you will receive the following rewards:

  • 3x Cold Iron Leaves: A valuable material used for crafting and upgrading weapons and armor.
  • Starlit Cloud-Bidden Antler (Material): A rare crafting material that may be used for high-level gear or special items.

Kang-Jin Loong is a visually striking and challenging boss in Black Myth: Wukong, but with the right strategy, you can overcome it swiftly. By using the Wind Tamer vessel, focusing on stun attacks, and maximizing your damage during its vulnerable phases, you can bring down this icy dragon and claim the rewards it guards. Prepare well, stay agile, and you’ll emerge victorious in this battle.

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