How to Defeat Second Rat Prince & King of Flowing Sands in Black Myth: Wukong?

This encounter introduces the first double boss fight in Black Myth: Wukong. You’ll be facing two enemies simultaneously—a large, armored rat known as the Second Rat Prince, and a smaller, more elusive rat called the King of Flowing Sands. The key to this battle is managing both enemies effectively, but your primary focus should be on defeating the larger rat to end the fight.

Location: Chapter 2 > Sandgate Village > Village Entrance
Finding the Boss: From the Village Entrance shrine, head left and cross the wooden bridge. Turn right to find the village entrance in the corner. Go through the courtyard and take another right to discover a locked wooden gate. Opening this gate will trigger the boss fight.

MISSABLE WARNING: To obtain the Spirit of King of Flowing Sands, you must defeat the smaller rat boss before killing the larger Second Rat Prince. If you kill the larger boss first, the smaller one will flee, and you’ll miss out on this reward.

Difficulty: 3/10

How to beat Second Rat Prince & King of Flowing Sands in Black Myth: Wukong?

Understanding the Second Rat Prince & King of Flowing Sands’ Attacks

  1. Second Rat Prince (Big Armored Rat): The larger of the two bosses, the Second Rat Prince, is slow but hits with powerful melee attacks. He doesn’t have a huge health pool and is relatively easy to hit, making him the main target.
  2. King of Flowing Sands (Small Rat): The smaller rat is more challenging to hit as he tends to run away and avoid direct confrontation. He doesn’t pose much of a threat in terms of damage, but defeating him first is crucial if you want to obtain his Spirit.

Battle Strategy: Step by Step

  1. Target Priority: If you want to obtain the Spirit of King of Flowing Sands, your first priority should be the smaller rat. Although he is hard to hit due to his tendency to flee, landing a few hits on him will quickly reduce his health. Focus on this task before turning your attention to the larger boss.
  2. Deal with the Second Rat Prince: Once the smaller rat is defeated, or if you choose to ignore him, shift your focus entirely to the Second Rat Prince. He’s the key to ending the fight, as defeating him will trigger a cutscene that concludes the battle. His attacks are slow, giving you ample time to dodge and counter.
  3. Use Your Spells Wisely: Begin the fight by casting your most powerful spells to deal substantial damage. Immobilize is especially useful in this encounter, as it will give you time to land multiple hits on the Second Rat Prince without worrying about his retaliation.
  4. Dodge and Counter: The Second Rat Prince’s attacks are not particularly difficult to avoid. Dodge his swings and follow up with quick attacks to whittle down his health. Since his health pool isn’t extensive, this strategy will gradually bring him down.
  5. Recharge and Repeat: If needed, you can run in wide circles around the arena to buy time for your spells to recharge. Once they’re ready, cast Immobilize or any other damage-dealing spell again to continue the assault.
  6. Ending the Fight: Once you’ve defeated the Second Rat Prince, the fight will automatically end with a cutscene, regardless of whether you’ve dealt with the smaller rat. If you took down the King of Flowing Sands first, you’ll receive his Spirit as a reward.

Rewards for Defeating Second Rat Prince & King of Flowing Sands

After defeating the bosses, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • 1008 Will: Use this to upgrade your abilities and gear.
  • 2 Yarn: A crafting material useful for enhancing equipment.
  • 2 Silk: Another material that can be used for crafting and upgrades.
  • Blood of the Iron Bull (material): A valuable crafting material.
  • Second Rat Prince (Spirit): Only obtained if you kill the smaller rat boss first.

The Second Rat Prince & King of Flowing Sands fight may be the first double boss encounter in Black Myth: Wukong, but it’s manageable with the right strategy. Prioritize defeating the smaller rat first if you want to obtain his Spirit, then focus on the larger Second Rat Prince to end the fight. With smart use of spells and careful dodging, you can easily overcome this challenge and move on to the next stage of your journey.

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