How to Defeat Earth Wolf in Black Myth: Wukong?

The Earth Wolf is a relatively easy miniboss in Black Myth: Wukong. While it presents some challenges, particularly with its aggressive attacks, it has low health, making it a manageable fight even for players who are still getting accustomed to the game’s mechanics. Here’s how to take down the Earth Wolf effectively.

Location: Chapter 2 > Sandgate Village > Village Entrance
Finding the Boss: From the Village Entrance shrine, head left and cross the wooden bridge. Turn right to find the entrance to the village, which is tucked into a corner. Navigate through the courtyard and look for a breakable wall on the left, just below a roof with a Rat Archer. Alternatively, you can follow the path at the end of the village on the left to reach the area where this miniboss resides.

Difficulty: 2/10

How to beat Earth Wolf in Black Myth: Wukong?

Pre-Battle Preparation

Before engaging the Earth Wolf, it’s crucial to clear out any surrounding enemies in the area. This will ensure that you’re not interrupted during the fight, allowing you to focus entirely on the miniboss without distractions.

Understanding Earth Wolf’s Attack Patterns

The Earth Wolf is a fast and aggressive opponent, but its attacks are straightforward. Here’s what to expect:

  1. Charge Attacks: The Earth Wolf will frequently charge at you, attempting to close the distance quickly. These attacks are linear and can be avoided with well-timed dodges.
  2. Melee Swipes: Once in close range, the Earth Wolf will swipe at you with its claws. These attacks are easy to dodge, especially if you keep moving.
  3. Environmental Usage: The fight takes place in a large, open field with several structures. Use these structures to block the Earth Wolf’s movement and create opportunities to heal or let your spells recharge.

Battle Strategy: Step by Step

  1. Start with Immobilize Spell: As with many encounters in Black Myth: Wukong, opening the fight with the Immobilize spell is a strong move. This will freeze the Earth Wolf in place, giving you a chance to land some heavy attacks right from the start.
  2. Follow Up with Transformation Spell: After immobilizing the Earth Wolf, activate the Transformation spell to enhance your attacks. This will allow you to deal significant damage quickly, reducing the Earth Wolf’s health before it can retaliate effectively.
  3. Use the Environment to Your Advantage: If the Earth Wolf becomes too aggressive or your spells need time to recharge, use the nearby structures to your advantage. Run circles around them to avoid the Earth Wolf’s attacks while you recover or prepare your next move.
  4. Brute Force Strategy: Given the Earth Wolf’s low health, you can adopt a more aggressive strategy. Perform running heavy attacks, and don’t be overly concerned about taking some damage—just heal up as needed. This approach can quickly deplete the Earth Wolf’s health, leading to a swift victory.
  5. Re-Use Immobilize if Necessary: If the fight drags on, wait for your Immobilize spell to recharge and use it again. This will give you another opportunity to land heavy attacks without worrying about counterattacks.

Rewards for Defeating Earth Wolf

Upon defeating the Earth Wolf, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • 835 Will: A substantial amount of Will that you can use to upgrade your skills and gear.
  • 1 Tiny Piece of Gold: A valuable item that can be used or sold.
  • 1 Yarn: A crafting material useful for enhancing your equipment.
  • Blood of the Iron Bull (material): A material used for crafting powerful items.
  • Earth Wolf (spirit): This spirit can be used in future battles to gain a strategic advantage.

The Earth Wolf may be a fast and aggressive miniboss, but with the right preparation and strategy, it’s a relatively easy encounter. By using your spells effectively and taking advantage of the environment, you can defeat the Earth Wolf with minimal difficulty and collect valuable rewards to aid you in your journey through Black Myth: Wukong.

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