In Disney Dreamlight Valley’s “A Rift In Time Act III,” players are immersed in an adventure filled with challenges, puzzles, and epic encounters. After assisting Merlin with the initial quests involving Rapunzel, Gaston, Mickey, and Oswald to seal the enigmatic black-and-white rifts across Eternity Isle, players are presented with a new challenge: “The Palace of Time.”
With the secret entrance to Jafar’s Palace revealed, players must now face the malevolent sorcerer in a final confrontation. Jafar seeks to manipulate the Spark of Imagination to reverse time, and it’s up to the players to thwart his plans within the palace’s mysterious walls.
How To Reach The Throne Room In Jafar’s Palace?
Navigating the Puzzles to Reach the Throne Room
As players step into Jafar’s palace, they will be met with a series of intricate puzzles designed to test their wits. The journey to the throne room begins immediately upon entering the palace, where players will find themselves needing to solve these puzzles to progress.
The First Puzzle: Crossing the Chasm
The first major puzzle in this quest involves crossing a seemingly impassable chasm. Players will need to interact with a large hourglass situated in the room. By engaging with the hourglass, time is reversed, allowing a stone bridge to form across the chasm. Clearing any Splinters of Fate obstructing the path, players can then proceed to the next hourglass.
Upon reaching the second hourglass, players must return time to the present, enabling them to continue their journey. Next, stand on the circular platform and rotate it twice to align the blue energy currents. This action activates a mirror nearby, which must also be rotated twice to reflect the energy onto the panel adjacent to the door. By interacting with the hourglass once more, the door becomes accessible, leading players up a flight of stairs towards the throne room.
How To Find The Key To The Throne Room?
Unlocking the Throne Room Door
After arriving at the throne room, players will find the door to Jafar’s final confrontation locked. The key to unlocking this door lies deeper within the palace.
The Journey to Jafar’s Laboratory
To locate the key, players must ascend the staircase to the left of the throne room. After clearing various obstacles along the way, they will eventually reach Jafar’s Laboratory. Here, another challenge awaits—a raven that guards the key.
To gain the raven’s assistance, players must prepare a special meal. The raven’s note reveals a peculiar preference for a four-star dish made from a combination of fresh vegetables and rotten seafood.
Crafting the Four-Star Bird Food
Players will need to gather the necessary ingredients to create this unique dish. Head to the table where a ripe tomato and carrot are available. Interact with the hourglass to reverse time, allowing players to collect the remaining ingredients—a rotten clam and fish. After gathering all the components, players can cook them on a nearby stove, creating the desired four-star Bird Food.
Four Star Bird Food Recipe:
Ripe carrot | 1 |
Ripe tomato | 1 |
Rotten clam | 1 |
Rotten fish | 1 |
With the meal prepared, return to the raven and offer him the dish. In gratitude, the raven provides a shiny object—this is the key to unlocking the throne room.
Final Preparations and Confronting Jafar
With the key in hand, players must return to the throne room. However, before proceeding, they need to place the Power Coil into the slot on the side. This activates a mechanism that requires players to align two circular disks on the ground with the corresponding golden designs. Once aligned, the mirror should be turned to reflect the energy onto the panel beside the door, activating the final passage.
After activating the mirror, players can retrieve the key from the chamber, turn the hourglass one last time, and return to the throne room. Use the key to unlock the gate, triggering a cutscene where Jafar, in a fit of rage, opens a new black-and-white rift. Players must enter this rift to complete “The Palace of Time” quest, setting the stage for the next challenge, “The Then and Now” quest.
In this epic conclusion, players must use their wits and bravery to defeat Jafar and restore balance to Disney Dreamlight Valley, ensuring that the Spark of Imagination remains safe from those who would misuse it.