How to Defeat Guangmou in Black Myth: Wukong?

Guangmou is a mid-tier boss in Black Myth: Wukong that presents a moderate challenge with a mix of ranged attacks and poison-based abilities. With careful planning and strategic use of your skills, you can overcome this adversary without too much trouble. Here’s how to defeat Guangmou and claim your rewards.

Location: Chapter 1 > Bamboo Grove > Snake Trail
Finding the Boss: Starting from the Snake Trail fast travel point, jump over the cliffs on the left to descend into a lower area near a river. Turn right, pass a snake enemy, and continue into a large bamboo forest. Follow the paved path through the area, past two torches, to reach Guangmou.

Difficulty: 3.5/10

How to beat Guangmou in Black Myth: Wukong?

Understanding Guangmou’s Attacks

Guangmou uses a variety of attacks that can keep you on your toes:

  1. Ranged Orb Projectiles: Guangmou launches orbs at you from a distance, which can be dodged by timing your movements carefully. These projectiles can chip away at your health if not avoided properly.
  2. Poison Spray: Guangmou can spray poison at you, which not only deals damage but also inflicts a poison status effect, causing you to take damage over time.
  3. Summoning Snake Heads: When his health drops below half, Guangmou summons small snake heads from the ground that shoot poison projectiles at you. These can overwhelm you quickly if not dealt with promptly.

Battle Strategy: Step by Step

  1. Initial Attack: As the battle begins, close the distance between you and Guangmou quickly. Start with a heavy attack, ideally using the “Force Unbound” skill from your Staff Stances. This will deliver a powerful blow to start the fight in your favor.
  2. Use Immobilize Spell: After landing your initial heavy attack, immediately cast the Immobilize spell to freeze Guangmou in place. This will give you the opportunity to unleash a full quick-attack combo, dealing significant damage before Guangmou can retaliate.
  3. Transform into Guangzhi (if available): If you’ve previously defeated Guangzhi, you can transform into him during this fight. Use :triangle: on PlayStation or :y: on Xbox to perform heavy attacks that deal massive damage and burn Guangmou. This strategy can take off more than half of Guangmou’s health in a short period, severely crippling him before he can launch any serious counterattacks.
  4. Handling the Snake Heads: When Guangmou’s health drops to half, he will summon small snake heads that shoot poison projectiles. As soon as you hear him say, “boys greet our visitor,” stop focusing on Guangmou and quickly eliminate the snake heads. They die in one hit but can be dangerous if left unchecked, as their projectiles can deplete your stamina and poison you.
  5. Final Phase: After dealing with the snake heads, your Immobilize spell should be recharged. Use it again to stun Guangmou and finish him off with another round of quick attacks. If you’ve transformed into Guangzhi, continue using his heavy attacks to maximize your damage output.

Rewards for Defeating Guangmou

After successfully defeating Guangmou, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • 528 Will: Use this to enhance your abilities and gear, making you stronger for the challenges ahead.
  • 1 Stone Spirit: A valuable resource for crafting and upgrading equipment.
  • Blood of the Iron Bull (material): A material that can be used for crafting powerful items.
  • Guangmou (spirit): This spirit can be used in future battles to gain an edge over tougher opponents.

Guangmou is a boss that requires a blend of aggression and strategy. By staying close, using your Immobilize spell effectively, and managing the snake heads, you can quickly turn the tide of battle in your favor. With his mix of ranged and poison attacks, Guangmou can be a tricky opponent, but with the right approach, you’ll emerge victorious and ready for the next challenge in Black Myth: Wukong.

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