How To Disable The Steel Watch In Baldur’s Gate 3 ?

In Baldur’s Gate 3, one of the key antagonists, Gortash, is fortified by a formidable army of automatons known as the Steel Watch. As you progress to Act 3, you’ll discover that the final Netherstone is in Gortash’s possession, and his stronghold in the city is heavily defended by these mechanical guardians. Diminishing Gortash’s forces is no small feat, but there is a method to deactivate these relentless sentinels.

The Steel Watch guardians are formidable opponents, each boasting 206 Hit Points, a 16 Armor Class, and resistance to most physical attacks. Their only notable vulnerability is to Lightning damage, making them particularly tough to take down. These automatons patrol the Lower City, constantly guarding Gortash’s movements. Only high-level spells, such as Chain Lightning, offer your party a chance to overcome these powerful constructs and weaken Gortash’s defenses.

Get The Runepowder Bomb

Deactivating the Steel Watch in Baldur’s Gate 3 involves three crucial phases: gathering intel from key NPCs, infiltrating the Steel Watch Foundry, and ultimately destroying the Foundry itself. In Act 3, you can investigate the city to uncover information about the Steel Watch, which is compelled to attend Gortash’s coronation. Speaking with Orin reveals her desire to overthrow Gortash and triggers the quest to disable the Watch.

With your mission clear, your next destination is Rivington, where you’ll meet the Ironhand deep gnomes. They possess the perfect tool for halting the Steel Watch’s production line. If you’ve previously crossed paths with characters like Wulbren during Act 1 or Act 2, your interactions will be more favorable, making it easier to request assistance. A well-handled conversation with Wulbren rewards you with a Runepowder Bomb, a potent explosive capable of obliterating the Foundry and crippling Gortash’s mechanical forces.

Armed with this powerful device, you’re now prepared to take on the daunting task of dismantling the Steel Watch, significantly weakening Gortash’s hold over the city and bringing you one step closer to securing the final Netherstone.

Rescue the Gondian Gnomes

Next, head to the southern docks where Bane cultists are forcing Gondian gnomes to craft additional units for the Steel Watch. It’s crucial to eliminate these cultists quickly, as they carry a device capable of killing all the Gondians if the battle drags on too long. Failing to protect the gnomes will make it almost impossible to deactivate the Steel Watch later in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Once you’ve secured their safety, you’ll meet Zanner Toobin, who reveals the existence of a secret underwater facility where many of the Gondian gnomes’ family members are imprisoned. This hidden prison is where Gortash keeps his political enemies and anyone he considers a threat.

Before Toobin agrees to assist you in dismantling the Steel Watch, he’ll request your help in infiltrating the base to rescue his people’s loved ones. The decisions you make here will impact your party members’ approval, so choose carefully whether or not to aid Toobin in this mission. Additionally, you’ll discover that Grand Duke Ravengard, a significant figure who may have been mentioned earlier in your journey, is also held captive in this facility. Rescuing him could have major implications for the events that follow.

Save the Hostages At the Underwater Prison

To reach the underwater prison where the other Gondian gnomes are held, begin by exploring the docks to locate a hidden submarine. This vessel is stored in a warehouse at the edge of the docks, guarded by a group of Wargs. Fortunately, these enemies are not particularly challenging, and once defeated, you can access the submarine by descending through the hatch. Inside, you can intimidate the pilot to transport your party to the Steel Watch Foundry in Baldur’s Gate 3.

As you approach the facility, Gortash will contact you, threatening to destroy the Foundry along with all the Gondians inside. Despite his warnings, continue forward; Gortash will set a countdown timer for explosives meant to blow up the prison. While this doesn’t cause immediate harm, it creates a sense of urgency, pushing you to disable the Steel Watch and rescue the trapped Gondians as quickly as possible.

You’ll have only eight rounds of combat to save as many gnomes as possible before making your escape. During this time, you must fend off deadly Sahuagin guards that patrol the area. Additionally, you may encounter a friendly Mind Flayer named Omeluum imprisoned within the facility. If you choose to free Omeluum, it will assist in the battle and can use its teleportation ability to transport itself and one party member back to the submarine, potentially saving an injured ally who needs healing.

This mission demands swift and strategic action, as the lives of the Gondians and your party members hinge on your ability to navigate the dangers of the underwater facility and outmaneuver Gortash’s deadly trap.

Defeat the Steel Watch Titan

If you successfully rescue the Gondians from the underwater prison, they will join your party in the mission to destroy the Steel Watch Foundry and disable Gortash’s mechanical army. Although Gortash commands a large number of Steel Watch automatons, the true danger lies in his greatest creation—the Steel Watch Titan. To confront this formidable foe, you’ll need to take an elevator to the lowest level of the Foundry base in Baldur’s Gate 3.

The Steel Watch Titan possesses all the strengths of a regular Steel Watch automaton but is far more powerful. It has significantly higher health and is protected by a shield that only allows it to take damage from attacks that deal 15 or more damage. Additionally, the Titan is accompanied by other Steel Watch units, making this a challenging battle, especially if your party hasn’t taken a long rest beforehand. To stand a chance, rely on Lightning attacks and keep in mind the Titan’s low-health explosion to bring down this tough adversary.

Once the Titan is defeated, you face a critical decision: either have Zanner Toobin rig the Foundry to explode or set the Runepowder Bomb on a timer before making your escape. Depending on who you save during this mission, you may gain valuable allies for the later stages of Baldur’s Gate 3, including the final showdown against Gortash. As demonstrated in a video, swiftly defeating the Titan can preserve more allies for the climactic battle.

For those who prefer a stealthy approach, it’s possible to avoid the Steel Watch Titan boss fight altogether. By using a character with exceptional stealth skills or an invisibility spell, you can bypass the Titan and reach a control panel. Here, you can input a code provided by Zanner Toobin after rescuing the Gondians. This method allows you to disable the Steel Watch without destroying the factory, preserving the Runepowder Bomb for future use.

Rewards From Disabling The Steel Watch

Defeating the Steel Watch Titan and the Hellfire Watchers that accompany it rewards you with the Gontr Mael, a legendary longbow that can be a powerful asset for someone in your party. Additionally, disabling the Steel Watch significantly weakens Enver Gortash, making the inevitable boss fight against him in Baldur’s Gate 3 far easier. Without the support of his mechanical allies, you can take your time to rest and then confidently stride into Gortash’s throne room to challenge the follower of Bane and claim his Netherstone.

This Netherstone is one of the final artifacts needed to advance to the climax of the game’s story. Once you have also obtained the Netherstone from Orin the Red, you’ll be ready to confront the Elder Brain and enter the final stages of your long and arduous journey. While controlling the Steel Watch isn’t an option in Baldur’s Gate 3, disabling these formidable enemies clears the path to Gortash, allowing you to progress to the end of Act 3 without the looming threat of his mechanical army.

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